

Shri. G. S. Patil


President of Rajeev Gandhi Education Society, Ron

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Total Land 5 Acres 34 guntas
Ownership Basis Own
Land Use certificate obtained for educational Institution Yes
Construction of building is complete Yes
Building yet to be constructed No
Building is fire safety proof Yes
Common room for boy/girls available Yes
Year of construction of the building 2001-02
Built up  Area in Sq. Mt 3738.47 Sq. Mt
No. of Classrooms 6
No. of Seminar Hall 2
Other facilities Available
The Library has separate reference section/Journal section
and reading room
No. of books in the library 7781
Education Journal/Periodicals subscribed 10
No. of  Encyclopaedia available 34
No. of books available in the reference section 500
Seating capacity 100
No of Titles 1500
Facilities for Games Sports
Own Playground Yes
Facilities for Athletics Yes
Playground of another institution on sharing basis No
Gymnasium/Multipurpose Hall Yes
Facilities for Indoor games Yes
Facilities for  Outdoor games Yes
Other Facilities
Canteen Facilities Yes
Medical Facilities Yes
Hostel  Facilities Yes